The Difference Between Photography and Videography Services Singapore

Still photography and videography are very popular these days. While still, photography is an object to remember important and leading events in the life of a person or some important corporate event the videography goes a step further providing live coverage of the event. Both can also be used as evidence by the law enforcement agencies for apprehending criminals and for investigation. There are also some basic differences between the Photography and Videography Services Singapore and it is important learning the differences before hiring one.
Photography and Videography Services Singapore
  • Difference Between the Photography and Videography Services Singapore
A photograph is well worth a thousand words and in the past, they served the purpose of disseminating messages about the products or services promoted by a company. still, images were also used in hoardings, banners, and cutouts by the companies. However, the modern generations of customers are not usually satisfied with them and they look forward to video graphics versions as these versions offer images nearer to realities. Live images and nearness to realities is the difference between videography and photography.
  • Videographer and Videography Services Singapore

People looking for video photography can use the services of a standalone videographer or some video production company depending on their requirements and budget. Professional videography services Singapore often have a great website as well as an impressive portfolio. They will charge project wise rates instead of hourly or daily rates charged by standalone videographer
 However, at the end of the day, it will depend on the end requirement of the client.


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